Action plan approved to encourage volunteering in Russia

Russian government signs action plan to encourage the development of volunteering


Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko has signed a document entitled: ˜Support for the development of volunteering (volunteerism) in the Russian Federation”.

The normative act aims to develop the voluntary sector, attract people into volunteering and create mechanisms to advance charitable work.  It was devised by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, together with the Public Chamber and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.

In 2016, President Vladimir Putin instructed the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Public Chamber ˜to present the government with a plan for measures to develop the voluntary sector, improve legislation in this sphere, and formulate standards for cooperation between volunteers , the organs of state, and organisations.” The instruction was to be executed by 30 April 2017. Discussions on issues associated with improving the voluntary sector take taking place in the Public Chamber and the Federal Advisory Council on the Development of Volunteering.

The Public Chamber has noted that over 2000 experts on volunteering have participated in the planning process.

A public discussion on the project entitled ˜Ideas for the Development of Volunteering in the Russian Federation to 2025″ will take place on 14 July in the ˜Blagosfera” Centre in Moscow. Anyone interested is welcome to attend.


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